I’m going to tell you a few reasons to wear makeup. Compelling reasons why you should wear it even when nobody is looking. Gussy up for you and let the makeup boost your mood. Here you can also watch a few videos that have given me helpful tips in applying my makeup. Plus, three excellent makeup products you should try.

The Affordable Luxury and Other Reasons To Wear Makeup
Once Upon A Time I worked as a manager at a huge retail department store. It was back a number of years ago, around 2008 and 2009, when the economy was hurting but our store was still grossing 70 million. The effects of the economy did not seem to dampen the sales in this store and even among its own company this store was a landmark. My floor included clothing and all of the makeup counters, which were doing absolutely fabulous in sales.
The General Manager of the store was incredible. He knew his stuff and he was fascinating to watch. During one meeting he said, “There are three things that people will always spend money on even when times are tough: Makeup, beer, and toilet paper.”
It was a general comment, of course. His theory was that women wanted to feel good about their appearance especially during tough times. But it makes sense, right? If you are a makeup wearer and you have to cut back somewhere because times are tough, there are many luxury items you’ll give up before the makeup. It’s possibly the last thing to give up even if you have to trade-down for a less expensive brand. Of all things you can skimp on, your appearance and how you feel about your appearance is possibly more important to you. Wear last year’s dress, pack a sack lunch, skip the afternoon soda run; but purchase the makeup.
“Makeup makes for a feel-good purchase that doesn’t break the bank,” says one article, “And women would rather cut back on a lot of other things before they mess with their mascara.”
Another article I read even pointed out that lipstick sales increase in a tough economy. Why? Because buying an inexpensive lipstick beats out other high expense item such as a slingback or purse. So why not stay with that switch-off in good economic times and save money?

Gussy Up With Your Makeup! Let it Boost Your Mood
I put on my makeup every day because I like it. I wear makeup even on those days when I know I’ll be home all by myself. Why? Because it’s part of getting ready for the day- much like making my bed and getting dressed. Even when I’m home all day by myself I wear clothes instead of pajamas. Same with my makeup. Another reason is because I look in the mirror and I like the way my makeup looks. I do it for me.
You may not wear your makeup every day like me. But try it out as a delight. Wear makeup if you’re feeling like you need a mood booster or when you want to add another delight to your day.
Do your makeup. I sure feel better when I put on even a little bit of makeup. But go ahead and put on all of it. Even if you aren’t going out. Even if you aren’t going to see anyone today. Gussy up! Pull out the stops and do it all. Put it on for you.
Trying New Tips For Applying Makeup
If you already don your makeup on a regular bases, a fun delight for you may be trying out new tips for applying your makeup. Watch the following two videos that gave me a few new ways to apply mine.
few little tips that I learned from each of them has made it that much more fun every morning. I had to share it with my sister! It’s exciting when you get a little better at it.
But don’t feel like you have to go buy a bunch of expensive makeup. It will feel overwhelming if you let yourself think that. Pick out one or two little tips and then see how you can use what you already have before you go spend money. You certainly don’t have to do every step this woman exemplifies.
For Non-Makeup Wearers
Now, if you are one who doesn’t wear makeup at all, I challenge you to try out a little basic makeup. Some of these positive reasons to wear makeup may benefit you. If it still isn’t you then that is just great and I congratulate you for taking the challenge in trying new things. But, maybe you find a new delight. Might I suggest that for the purpose of exploration in finding what will delight yourself, you go out and get one makeup item to try. Mascara is a good basic item if you don’t know where to start. It’s inexpensive, easy to find, and simple to put on.
Aside from all the makeup counters with their pricey foundations and lipsticks, here are three inexpensive makeup items that I love.
- Maybelline Total Temptation– I have tried a myriad of mascara sticks, nearly a different kind every time I run out, and this latest one I have liked the best. Of all your makeup options, mascara is a good basic item for which you don’t need to shell out a fortune.
- Mac’s Fluidline Gel Eye liner– After discovering this one I’ve never needed to consider any other eye liner. I am hooked. I got a nice eyeliner brush from MAC that is in the same condition now as when I bought it 10 years ago and I use it every day to apply the gel. The eye liner seriously lasts me about a year or more. I’m not kidding. And I wear it every day. For $18 that’s a great bargain. I also don’t feel the need to wear mascara if I’m wearing the eyeliner, though I usually do wear them both together.
- Maybelline TatooStudio Waterproof Eyebrow Gel– This product is amazing! In the last few years I started filling in my eyebrows on a daily basis, even if I’m just putting on the bare minimum. Eyebrows make such a difference. It’s much cheaper than buying the gel pens (they are nearly the same price but check out the ounces). I haven’t run out yet and it has already lasted much longer than the gel pens. I try to make it look as natural as possible when I fill in my eyebrows and the wand that this item comes with has proven trickier to apply well, but when I get it right I feel that it looks more natural than other products. I’ve heard good results from others who buy this product and use a separate brush for application. Plus it really stays on ALL day.
Those are the only two Maybelline products I have and they’re the only thing I have bought that isn’t from a counter or makeup store. I have bought from Sephora before and that is another good place to try out for makeup. Makeup can be inexpensive and when you apply it correctly it lasts a very long time.

Reasons To Wear Makeup: Disclaimer and Conclusion
Here’s my disclaimer, since I feel I need one here. I’m not saying that anyone has to wear makeup every day to feel good about themselves. Please don’t misunderstand this article. I’m simply suggesting that we could all use a little glam in our lives on occasion and makeup may be that for you.
Conclusion for compelling reasons to wear makeup. For many women, it boosts your mood and helps you feel put together (It’s a DELIGHT!). It’s also more affordable than the alternative spending on high end luxuries. In a tough economy or a good one, reach for the makeup. For the rough or the bland day, reach for the makeup.

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