Forget the 12 steps or any of the other tips, tricks, and travel hacks. Here is ONE, stupid easy method on how to find cheap flights.
Keep your searches top secret, use the best flight search engines, book connecting flights yourself… sound familiar? Yeah, right! Maybe for the person who does nothing but search every waking minute. I’ll admit that I’ve tried quite a number of those tricks and it got me … nowhere! Maybe I gave up too quickly and stopped waking up at 2:00 AM to try that one trick again …
Okay, so I did find some flights that were $30 cheaper, maybe even $60, but I’m still not going to pay $1150 per person just to fly somewhere so I can vacation. Where are the killer deals? Huh? What about those?? Well, I finally got insider scoops and I’m here to help let the secret out.
Pomelo Travel: So. Dang. Serious!

How To Find Cheap Flights: The Friend Who Made It Possible
I have a friend who travels to some beach getaway about once a year with her husband … and her sisters and all of their husbands. A conversation came up about how to find cheap flights and she tells me that she signed up with this subscription where she gets great flight deals a couple of times a month. Uh, huh, yeah, cool. Pomelo what, who?
“I’ll show you the next email I get,” she assures me
A few days later she sent me a text with a copy of the latest emailed travel flight deal: Round Trip Flight to Grand Cayman Islands for $328 and some change. WHAT!?!
Now she had my attention!
What Any Normal Person Would Have Thought Was A Steal Of A Deal
My head about rolled onto the floor. My sister-in-law had been beaming just the month before because she got a steal of a deal tickets to the Grand Cayman Islands for $985 round trip. That’s how good that deal was!!
This sister-in-law of mine had been talking about going to the Cayman Islands for three years to visit a dear friend and finally found reasonable tickets for her and her husband. I nearly called her right then and there to tell her about this deal and then thought better of it. What was she going to do, pay a huge fee to cancel the flights she had already booked? Maybe. But only after I reached her and explained and then she calls to see how to cancel if she can, and then all the tickets at that great price were gone anyway and she’s then dissapointed instead of blissfully happy with her “steal of a deal” flight plans. Nope. Not telling her about that one!
Actually, in my defense, I tried to find the deal online immediately after my friend’s text to see if maybe I could let my sister-in-law know about it. I couldn’t find it! Uh, can you send the link too? So the deals aren’t what you’re going to find easily online.You have to know where to go and you can’t wait too long before they’re gone. I guess in that sense you have to be flexible. But who isn’t flexible for saving $800 PER PERSON!
It Really Works
This friend of mine got another friend of mine to sign up for Pomelo Travel. Then her husband woke up one morning and before leaving to work said, “Hey! There’s an email with flights to Hawaii round trip for less than $300.” So they’re going to Hawaii for dirt cheap.
Best Travel Hack Ever. Except for the time I flew to Hawaii for $11.20 (no joke!) But that was through a different travel hack I’ve picked up lately. But this getting emails a couple of times a month with the real airline deals and you don’t even have to have credit card reward points. Now that’s worth the $36 annual subscription when you run out of reward points. Or maybe credit cards aren’t your thing anyway.
Not long after that, I was visiting my sister and started chatting with a lady in her home that grew up in Italy. I asked her how often she got to return home and she said, “Oh, about once a year or so.” I had to ask her about how to find cheap flights to Italy. Then she mentioned she uses Pomelo Travel and said every time they started planning to go back to Italy to see family they would just sign up for a few months of subscription at Pomelo Travel and get cheap flights. $15 for 3 months and that usually did the trick for her. Traveling often to Italy was very affordable.

How Does It Work?
Pomelo Travel has a team of “travel experts” that search for the exceptional deals you rarely, if ever, find. These crazy low fares happen for a few different reasons. Airlines will have fare wars and prices will spiral downward. But they only last a few hours and maybe up to a few days. The last one I heard about was when Southwest recently opened routes to Hawaii.
Other times airlines will put routes on sale without much fanfare. Pomelo Travel will find the best sales and alert you before they are gone. And then yes, airlines will also make mistakes. Pricing mistakes. It happens and the Pomelo Travel team finds them!
Here’s the thing. Maybe if you’re diligent or just plain lucky, you find these deals on your own. But with Pomelo Travel you automatically get the inside scoop with no effort. You do have to decide and act fairly quick once you get an email with the flight deals. They go quick! But you see them- they are right there in front of you. And the deals can be SO tempting just because of how cheap travel then becomes. You get options every month so traveling abroad is suddenly achievable.
How To Find Cheap Flights The Easy Way
There is a free subscription version from Pomelo Travel, but really, pay the minimal subscription fee and get the killer deals. No sweat.
I don’t even get paid if you sign up. It’s not an affiliate link and there’s no benefit for me. It’s just an awesome way to find the best deals on flights. Period.
Flights and accommodations are by far the biggest expense for a vacation. So get these two parts right and you can have an awesome time traveling. Check out how AirBnB is the inexpensive way to stay.

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