Cleaning For Delight, Plus The Single Best Mop For Hardwood Floors (Or Any Floor)
Click to get straight to the single best mop for hardwood floors. I’m sure you’d love to know. This is also the single best mop for any hard floors. While I’m on the topic however, did you know cleaning in and of itself can be a Delight? This is an interesting one for sure. If you think I’m crazy, hear me out first. And then at least try it before you knock it.
And I’m not talking about feeling all good and butterflies because your home is neat and clean, although that is a wonderful by-product and certainly helps … it certainly helps! I’m talking about the actual act of Cleaning.

Case In Point
My 4-year-old daughter had a hard day today. It had taken her longer to fall asleep the night before and her younger brother (why in the world was he waking up at 5:30 in the morning!) woke her up exceptionally early. Extra tired to start the day, a few things before lunch that set her into a tailspin, and by the end of the day it was horrific.
Toys were strewn everywhere in the basement. I wanted to have it clean for plans I had later that evening. Wouldn’t you know it, it wasn’t even my kids’ doing. I offered my daughter and son an incentive if the three of us could rush and pick it all up within 10 minutes. I quickly set a timer and enthusiastically jumped to it. “Hurry,” I encourage, “we can do it!” My daughter, though pouting and half crying, picked up the eruption of play food from the floor. While her brother piddled around with a few cars and Thomas trains, I flew across the rest of the sabotaged room.
It wasn’t difficult and well before the 10 minutes were up the room was neat and tidy. By now my daughter was smiling. Really. She was happy and smiling. It was a surprise to me too.
Reasons Cleaning Will Delight Your Day
It’s easier to clean when I’m already motivated, but there have been times when I was stressed out so I grabbed a broom and swept. Some of those mindless tasks like vacuuming, sweeping, and windows is therapeutic. While performing a task that is repetitive, my mind can focus better and think through things easier. Your body may want to “vent” out frustration while you work hard on a physical task. Already happy and calm? Then you may want to daydream.
If you aren’t motivated, then start anyway and you’ll get motivated. It’s similar to walking or jogging that way. Speaking of which, cleaning is exercise. You’re actively moving your body around and that will release endorphins. Which means you’ll boost your mood to help delight your day.
And it’s productive on top of that. You’ve accomplished something! That’s a feel-good, let alone being able to enjoy a clean place afterwards. On mornings when I can get a jump on a few cleaning tasks to start the day, I get a burst of energy that helps me with structure for the rest of the morning and even the afternoon. Dare I say … that it makes me feel good?
Your Turn
Well, try it today. Right now or right before bed if you have to. Try it and see how you feel. Too tired and worn out? Do something easy and quick such as wipe down the kitchen and bathroom counters with a rag or choose one room to sweep. It won’t take that long. Better yet, plan to do it tomorrow morning before you leave the house or right after breakfast. But don’t wait any longer!
Perhaps you are someone who already had this figured out as a way to help boost your happiness and energy. Perhaps you tried it today and this post was a confirmation to you that cleaning should be left to the very end of when you absolutely HAVE to do it. That’s okay. Now you know.
Here are some games you can try to really get in the Delight (wink, wink).

Now For The SINGLE BEST Mop for Hardwood Floors
I can swear by this mop!
Microfiber is the best material for cleaning. It is made from many tiny, tiny fibers so it 1) has a larger “surface” area and 2) it clings to dirt and grime. Microfiber will hold dust, dirt, and other grime instead of pushing it. The science behind it is interesting and you can “get it” from where explains microfiber.
The microfiber mop will work great dry. It will work better than any broom! But when you need it wet to mop (or you’re cleaning up spills), it’s great wet too. Because it is more absorbent than other cloths, it won’t leave liquid behind on your beautiful wood floors. You can use this mop wet and your floors will be just wet enough to get clean before drying seconds later. I never have to worry about telling anybody to not walk on the floor (wood floors, tile, or other hard flooring) because it dries before I can turn around. But it still cleans up sticky grime.
Because it is microfiber you don’t need to use any chemicals. Chemical free? You bet!! Even for disinfecting … seriously! (See my note below). You can use vinegar instead of water if you really want to. You don’t need to plug it in or use a bucket either.
By the way, microfiber won’t leave streaks behind on the floor.
Microfiber cloths are reusable. They are far and away less expensive when you don’t have to keep purchasing products. Microfiber cloths are made to last for years and years. You launder them in your home washer and dryer.
Put the microfiber cloth together with a swivel broom handle and you have the best mop for hardwood floors. Or any hard floors.

Microfiber Mop: Best Mop For Hardwood Floors
The microfiber mop has a nice, long handle so you aren’t bending over. It’s lightweight, flat, and it swivels. This allows you to clean under, around, and anywhere- quick and easy. You just get the cloth wet, set it on the ground, attach the handle easily, and start mopping. To put it away is almost as easy. You’ll actually mop more often because it makes the job so SIMPLE.
So, let’s see. Microfiber cloths clean better, less expensive, simple, and super easy to use. It’s a no-brainer. The microfiber mop is excellent for wood floors. It is also excellent for any hard floors. I’ve seen and used many things to clean my floors and this is the mop to use.
Note: Not all microfiber is the same. The average microfiber cloth is made from fibers that are pretty small and will do a great cleaning job. Good microfiber such as Norwex and E-Cloth are made from VERY tiny fibers. The better microfiber will clean better if you are using them for more than a typical floor mop-up and want to disinfect. I’m not going to go into all of the detail here of how that works, but again, you can read the science behind microfiber here.
Right Here: The Single Best Mop For Hardwood Floors
As I mentioned in my note, you can find another microfiber cloth but the Norwex cloths are superior. I loved the overall quality enough to splurge. I paid an arm and a leg to buy it through a rep from the company but low and behold, Amazon now sells it for less than half that. Woohoo for you! Not surprised at how many rave reviews it has.
And think about it, you aren’t having to spend money on cleaners or replacement stuff.
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