I have cited three studies that set out to prove scientifically that absolutely flowers make you happy- and healthier? Also, why you should be buying yourself fresh flowers instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you, so you can delight your day.

Three Studies Reveal The Benefits of Flowers on Health and Mood- How They Make You Happy
A 2008 study conducted at Kansas State University showed that surgical patients who viewed flowers in their hospital rooms had, among other improvement in their recovery, lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, lower ratings of pain, lower anxiety, and lower fatigue. As you might guess, they also had more positive feelings and higher satisfaction about their rooms than compared with the patients who did not have flowers or foliage plants to look at. see
Effects of flowering and foliage plants in hospital rooms on patients recovering from abdominal surgery.
hospital rooms on patients recovering from abdominal surgery.
In another study conducted at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, participants were found to be happier and more energetic after looking at flowers first thing in the morning. Studies have shown offices with plants increase brain performance and encourage creativity. Studies have also shown that putting plants in classrooms and lecture halls increase attendance.
A study at Rutgers University in New Jersey set out to prove the emotional impact of flowers scientifically. According to the study, participants expressed “true” or “excited” smiles upon receiving flowers, demonstrating delight and gratitude. This reaction was universal, occurring in all age groups,” (italics added).
I’m sure you didn’t need for me to cite studies in an effort to convince you that flowers are fun and will boost your mood. But there it is! Don’t wait for anyone to do it for you. That’s the point in Delighting Yourself.
Buying and Choosing Flowers
A flower shop is delightful and offers sweet aromas and beautiful options to look and choose from. Even on a budget, one single stem directly from a flower shop is affordable and still accomplishes this delight. Grocery stores are convenient and carry beautiful bouquets at low prices.
When picking out your bouquet you can get the bundle that brightens you the most, obviously, but here are some things to consider. Get something with buds at least, not just green. Yellow is usually associated with happiness and sunshine. Blue can make you calm but is considered a better way to encourage creativity and free-thinking. A flower that I love getting are carnations. They last FOR-EEE-VER! Longer than any other flower I know of, all while looking beautiful and they smell wonderful!

Buying A Bouquet and Flowers That Made Me Happy
So, do flowers make you happy? The first time I thought about getting flowers for myself I pulled out some silk flowers and a vase from my daughter’s room and set them on the table where I would see them frequently. Yep, believe it or not, I did. And it did make a difference in my otherwise mundane day, but it wasn’t the same. I got real flowers and it WAS better than the fake ones. Besides, half the fun is choosing them out and purchasing them!
I drove to a nearby grocery store on my way home from running errands and walked to the flower section. That same day my three-year-old son had thrown numerous fits. We were adjusting our sleeping schedules and it really showed. I was so DONE! But as I was walking around the flowers I was SMILING! Without much effort.

The timing was winter and this store, which was not my usual store, had less colorful options. I almost picked out sunflowers, which would have been great- what’s not to love about sunflowers? But then I found this light pink bouquet for only $4. That’s cheaper than eating out at lunch! Or a shake at the drive-thru. Or even a tub of ice-cream at the grocery store.

Picking Flowers As An Option
But, if getting fresh flowers does make it on your Delight list, eventually you may find more creative ways to have them around than always purchasing a bouquet. If you’re on a real budget squeeze (especially if you decide to do this more often) and you don’t know where to find a field of wildflowers when it happens to be the right season to pick flowers, go pick a handful of dandelions from the neighbor’s yard. Put them in a small jar with water and set them out on the kitchen table or by the sink or in the cup holder of your car. Just to show that it can still be done.

Delighting Your Day
Picking this bouquet out from among a forest of living color was soul boosting. And then I got to take it home. Better than the momentary pleasure of those edible options, this flower bouquet keeps giving back. I placed the bouquet in a vase perfect for fitting these smaller sized bouquets, and then set it in the middle of the table where I am able to see them from in my kitchen and while I’m eating. These flowers last for a while and they keep on reminding me and brightening my day.
Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., from the study at Harvard cited above, commented, “What I find interesting is that by starting the day in a more positive mood, you are likely to transfer those happier feelings to others – it’s what is called mood contagion.”

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