Plus, Appreciating Life and Finding Delight
What is better than sitting or lounging in cool, green grass under the tree? A hammock of course! But I found something even better! A tree net swing.
Last year I decided I specifically wanted a tree swing for the kids that I could rock on. That rocking motion kicks the lounging up a few notches. With a bench swing my kids could swing with me when they wanted, but our tree isn’t quite that big.
Down the street one of my neighbors’ kids were playing on a nest tree swing and they were having a blast. It looked to be a perfect idea so I told my husband we needed to get one. It turned out be amazing! I LOVE it!! And my kids love it.
My husband did a great job of finding one on Amazon that was a good price for the quality. They can get quite a bit more expensive and some have fun colors, etc. but this one here was the best value and it has been wonderful for us.
My kids play on it non-stop and my little boy has even fallen asleep on it a few times.

Pros for this Net Tree Swing
I love that my kids will play together on the net tree swing. It feels like a hammock but way easier and I can push myself in it. It’s the cross between a bench swing and a hammock. Total win!
It’s easy to push and it hangs from my tree so no swing set required. If I didn’t have a tree and I already had a swing set, I would take the individual swings down and wrap this swing on the swing set. Why? I love swinging and this net swing can do more, is safer, and is more versatile. (These are the same reasons why I love this swing over any regular tree swing, hammock or bench swing.)
Let me explain.
I can push all of my children together on one swing instead of rotating between swings. This also allows me to sit and push them so I can relax too. My slightly older child (age 5) is still able to swing without my help even when the other two are in it with her. She is easily able to stick a leg over the edge and push. Because this swing has a wide base, or net, where they can all get on together, they enjoy the swing differently and aren’t always asking to be pushed high.
Which brings me to the next point. My kids have more fun when they swing together. It has helped create unity in their play. They also like to twist the swing and rotate on it in a circular motion.
It is much harder to fall out of the swing. My 18 month old can swing in it without falling out, even when she sits in it by herself.
I can fit three kids on the net swing, maybe four (when friends are over) depending on age or how big the kids are. That’s already more swings available than on a regular swing set.
Although a regular swing set sits lower than a high tree limb and that would change how wide the tree net could swing, I can still see the benefits of this swing being very similar.
Possibly my favorite part is that I’m not too big for the swing. When I sit in it it’s very much like a hammock. Instead of a seat it’s a net that you can lounge in under a tree in the shade. However, unlike a hammock, it’s easier to get in and out of. I can also push myself while my kids are with me on the swing. I enjoy being able swing with them.
One more thought. This swing is a bit portable. It’s lightweight and takes up little room. It isn’t so easy to set up that maybe you’d want to do this all the time, but you can pack the swing up and take it to a park or friend’s home. My husband was able to set it up by himself without aid with the exception of a ladder. It took a mere few minutes.
Cons for Net Tree Swing
Although I can fit on the swing, it isn’t really big enough to completely lounge in like you could a hammock. It is able to hold a lot of weight though.
Secondly, you need a good-sized tree to make it work. You can buy a frame for it on Amazon but I don’t have any experience with one. Depending on what swing set you may already have, given it’s size, you can try using that.
Also, you will need more room for this swing than a regular seat swing. On the tree it’s better to have clearance where there aren’t other branches the ropes would knock into.
The only other drawback I can think of right now would be that this net tree swing isn’t as low profile as a regular tree swing. It catches the eye a bit more, if your tree is in the front yard and that would concern you for some reason.

A Side Benefit of Swinging
Okay so here it comes. If you’ve been following along on this blog you know I’m going to throw in a side benefit (so that it’s more than a Delight!) Supposedly swinging gives some neurological balance. This can help you be calm during the day and sleep better at night. You wanted to know that, right?
Swings are a fun way to relax and enjoy the outdoors. Plus, kids love them! a net tree swing has been my favorite outdoor play equipment for kids thus far.
Appreciating Life and Finding Delight
Picture this: it’s late evening, just before dark, and i’m out there with all three of my kids on this tree net swing being quiet (quite is a feat for our group!) and listening to the birds chirp. It just doesn’t get better than that. And that’s coming from one who just got back from Hawaii. It’s Delightful!
One of the finest ways to relax and enjoy time passing is sitting/ lounging in the shade on a cool spring day or warm summer day and doing nothing. It’s soothing and calming. All the while being productive though! It’s like meditating or allowing the soul to rejuvenate. Like sitting on the beach but appreciating different surroundings. It is appreciating life. It’s finding a little bit of Delight and joy in your day.
I didn’t really take the time to just sit outdoors and soak in warm weather and green grass for stretches of time until I was at home during the day with small children. When that happened it became a way to take a break from chaos and mundane tasks. And in that way it’s even more productive because I’m supervising my kids that are getting that needed outdoor time.
When I simply enjoy beautiful weather, I feel rich- as in, who has time to do nothing!?! In the past I often wished I could sit outside more often and shoot the breeze but usually I felt too busy. Now I do it! Make a phone call while you sit to that person you never have time to catch up with. I relax and enjoy life this way even between those rare vacations to tropical getaways. It’s worth taking even 15 minutes to do it. You will appreciate life more and find the Delight in it.
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