Shows and Movies to Watch Over and Over Again

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We all have a movie or two that we love and at the end of this article I’ve made a list of some of those classic movies to watch over and over again.

Have you ever seen the ‘Three Amigos’ movie? It’s an older slapstick comedy. I have an aunt who watches that movie when she is upset or in a bad mood. She will watch it until she isn’t upset anymore. “One time,” she told me, “I had to watch it three and half times!” That was really something for her. I have no idea why she was THAT upset.

Watching Movies or Shows Has It’s Place

I have to say, I’m not a proponent of watching a lot of movies or TV. I think our time can be spent better elsewhere and watching too much can make you feel sluggish. BUT, it can have its place. There are days when I look forward to the time after the kids go to bed that I can rest with my husband on the sectional and veg in front of a particular movie. There are days when looking forward to that gives me a motive for pushing through and getting everything done (or just hanging on!).

The benefit of shows instead of a movie is the length. You can watch one show in 20 minutes instead of the typical 90 minutes or more of a movie. With a show it’s easier to squeeze in that 20 minutes into your day, say, on your break time. Plus most shows are feel good shows that offer comedy relief.

Choosing Good and Uplifting Movies

That brings me to my next point. Might I suggest you choose a movie or show that is funny or uplifting. Uplifting means you are happier afterwards or that you are motivated to do good things. After all, our goal here is to Delight our day. Some movies are sad or scary, some are just plain filthy. Think about the storyline or watch the preview. If you don’t think you’ll feel happier after watching it, choose something else. For me, I tend to stay away from Sci-fi or “strange” movies because my brain gets in a bit of a fog afterwards. I’m not saying don’t ever watch those movies. Again, they have their place. But what’s the point? Are you watching a movie because one just got released and all your friends are going or are you watching it to simply Delight your day? See my point? There’s a reason why people watch Hallmark movies.

Same thing goes for shows. Soap Operas can drag you into drama. Do you really need more of that in your life? Some shows are what I call “dark” because I don’t feel happier or inspired from watching them, often times just the opposite. Spend your Delight time and effort on something that will give you more.

Other shows, like, dare I mention Fixer Upper, can feed into your passions.

Adding Movies or Shows to Delight List

So, while I felt a bit reluctant adding this post to the Delight list, weight it in your mind and choose carefully about putting this on your personal list. If you add it, plan how you will carry it out. Write in a specific list of shows/movies or detail what type of movie. Re-visit it every once in a while and ask yourself if it is bringing you Delight and how much. Do you choose that list option too much or do you have a good balance?

15 Chick Flick Movies to Watch Over and Over

15 Classic Movies to Watch Over and Over

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