“Drumming?” you may be asking yourself. First let me tell you why it’s a good idea and all about the benefits of drumming. There are SO many benefits of drumming! And then I’ll show you how easy it can be even if you don’t have an actual drum. There is a science to it, it isn’t just haphazard banging, but it’s simple and easy. I’m going to outline here what drumming is really all about. Beating on a drum is really a thing! And there are reasons why it is- reasons why YOU should drum.

Benefits of Drumming 1-4
Benefit #1 – Emotional Release –Banging on a drum can release any emotion that may be pent up. Okay, for this one you can just bang or be silly. Whatever helps you get out feelings that are weighing you down. When I first thought about banging on a drum I thought, yeah bang out that frustration and anger that attacks during the day! And While that is true, come to find out “drumming” goes much deeper than that- so read on!
Benefit #2 – Drumming for Meditation, Relaxation, Relieving Stress and Anxiety, and lowering Blood Pressure – (2014 study published in Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine.) I’m grouping all of these benefits together. But more than just beating hard on a big giant drum, there can be an art to drumming and this one counts for sure. Beat rhythmically going soft, slow, or fast for different results. Try a few out and see what helps you the most.
Benefit #3 – Mindfulness – Have a busy mind that keeps you distracted? When you have a lot of thoughts calling for attention, drum for “mindfulness” to focus on the present and heighten your awareness of your environment. The results will come quickly and in most cases are quite profound. Drumming is also helpful for Cognitive Function, (2014 study in Journal of Huntington’s Disease) including memory loss in Parkinson’s.
Benefit #4 – Cool Hobby and Great Conversation Starter –Drumming sounds unique and well, cool! When was the last time you heard anyone say they drummed? It’s not a common “hobby” and it’s so different that it is intriguing. If you enjoyed drumming enough and found enough benefit from it to pick up drumming as a sort of hobby, it’s guaranteed that others would ask you about it.
Benefits of Drumming 5-9
Benefit #5 – Helps Depression – From a 2001 study published in the Journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine [15]
Benefit #6 – Reduces Pain – See 2012 study published in Evolutionary Psychology for reducing pain. Also, benefit of drumming is improved Immunity (2011 study published in Alternative Therapies and Health Medicine), and it supports the treatment of cancer.
Benefit #7 – Creates Connectedness – Get this. In the US Library of Medicine, there is an article written by Winkelman, PhD and MPH from Arizona State University. He cites that drumming releases emotional trauma (not your typical emotional release as mentioned in reason #1) and, “alleviates self-centeredness, isolation, and alienation, creating a sense of connectedness with self and others.”
Reason #8 – Delight – Drumming often just might become your cup of tea- your Delight.
Reason #9 – Visualizing – Visualizing is another one of the benefits of drumming.

What’s The Big Deal About Visualization?
Learning visualization and practicing it helps with any type of performance or public presentations, sports, working on personal goals, self-improvement, and talking with people, to name a few. It’s used by surgeons, athletes, musicians, and business executives. It helps with difficult situations so the benefits can help anyone! Think about what type of situations you find yourself in on the daily, weekly, perhaps monthly, and then events that are coming up. Try drumming along with visualization techniques and see how you improve on your “performance”.
One of the biggest benefits of visualization is enabling yourself to reach your full potential. When you visualize an action such as golfing, or a situation like a presentation with your client (or talking to your kids!), you are preparing your mind, senses, and emotions for the task.
Visualization can also be a form of relaxation. Aside from drumming, visualization in and of itself reduces stress. The act of focusing your mind on something pleasant and walking yourself through the motions in your mind will calm your mind and your senses. Do you get frustrated at work or at home? Visualize a place or activity you enjoy.
Other benefits of visualization include boosting your confidence and creativity. If you need inspiration or creativity focus on the beat you are drumming and visualize what solution you need.
Ways To Drum
You can drum with your hands but if your purpose is to relax or visualize, the act of striking with your hands will likely distract from focusing on the beat itself, which ultimately is what allows your mind to slow down and relax. Try using your hands first and then move to using an object to see the difference. Good objects to try beating with are either sticks or the long handles of spoons from your kitchen.
If you don’t have a drum, turn a plastic bowl upside down. Find a bowl that gives a sound or tone that you enjoy and appreciate. You can also try drumming with sticks on a pillow. Laying down and listening to a drum beat from YouTube is also an option. You don’t have to be the drummer.
You can drum slow, which is therapeutic. Or you can drum fast. Drumming fast is particularly helpful for visualizing. Generally, you want an easy and repetitive sound- something monotonous- to which you can listen.
The first time you drum try to go for 15 minutes. Focus on the beat and when your mind drifts just refocus. Be observant of the images that come to your mind. One other way try to getting some of the benefits of drumming, if you need an alternative, is listening to it as you jog, stroll through the park, or during another daily activity.

The benefits of drumming are far reaching. It’s simple and easy. Check on Google or Facebook for drumming groups in your area to make it a social interaction. If you drum, you’ll reap many, many benefits.
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