When To Nap For A Better You
Sleep is important in many way, especially when it comes to our health, but also for our mood and how we feel. Naps could be exactly what you need in your day to feel good. I’ll tell you a little … Continued
Sleep is important in many way, especially when it comes to our health, but also for our mood and how we feel. Naps could be exactly what you need in your day to feel good. I’ll tell you a little … Continued
I’m going to tell you a few reasons to wear makeup. Compelling reasons why you should wear it even when nobody is looking. Gussy up for you and let the makeup boost your mood. Here you can also watch a … Continued
How long has it been since you have colored? Delight your day with this little activity because coloring boosts your mood and reduces Stress. I used to see coloring books for adults filled with mandalas and the like on any … Continued
I know, I know. Unicorns are white, not purple. That’s what I tried to explain to my daughter. But hey, if that’s what she wants! Here are step by step instructions for making your own Unicorn Cupcake Cake. Change the … Continued
I have cited three studies that set out to prove scientifically that absolutely flowers make you happy- and healthier? Also, why you should be buying yourself fresh flowers instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you, so … Continued
Dye your pancakes your favorite color. Dye your food from eggs or milk to yogurt. I’m serious. Growing up my mother would dye our pancakes green for St. Patrick’s Day. When I thought I would pass that tradition on with … Continued
I once read some very sound advice: Dazzle Yourself! I recall riding the bus in my college years and feeling overwhelmed with sadness that I didn’t have x,y, or z. I consider myself a fairly happy and upbeat person but … Continued